Friday, May 16, 2014


it's been 22 hours ago and every time i have to look and like my connection's post the web server will always say 'BAD CONNECTION' and 'ERROR CONNECTION GATEWAY'. i'm also having trouble posting my blogs here so i assume all of you are experiencing this kind of problem.

i am very sorry mate because i did not found a way to like your post because of bad gateway connection and also the web server too are in big trouble.

NOTE: this isn't mine, this will credit to bubblews site.

ARMHF versus ARMEL part 2

here's another explaination about armel and armhf version of kernel.

Arm processors come in all makes and sizes, a certain percentage of which address a market where cost, footprint and power requirements are at a premium. In this space, the inclusion of even a floating point unit would be considered an unnecessary luxury. To perform floating point operations with these processors, software emulation is required.

Higher-end Arm processors come bundled with additional capability that enables hardware execution of floating point operations. The difference between these two architectures gave rise to two separate Embedded Application Binary Interfaces or EABIs for ARM: soft float and VFP (Vector Floating Point). Although there is forward compatibility between soft and hard float, there is no backward compatibility. And in fact, when it comes to providing binaries for Java SE Embedded for Arm, Oracle provides two separate options: a soft float binary and a VFP binary. In the Linux community, releases built upon both these EABIs are refereed to as armel based distributions.

Enter armhf. Although a big step up in performance, the VFP EABI utilizes less-than-optimal argument passing when a floating point operations take place. In this scenario, floating point arguments must first be passed through integer registers prior to executing in the floating point unit. A new EABI, referred to as armhf optimizes the calling convention for floating point operations by passing arguments directly into floating point registers. It furthermore includes a more efficient system call convention. The end result is applications compiled with the armhf standard should demonstrate modest performance improvement in some cases, and significant improvement for floating point intensive applications.

Alas, armhf represents yet another binary incompatible standard, but one that has already gained considerable traction in the community. Although still relatively early, the transition from armel to armhf is underway. In fact, Ubuntu has already announced that future releases will only be built to the armhf standard, effectively obsoleting armel. As mentioned in Henrik's Stahl's Blog, an armhf version of Java SE Embedded is in the works, and we have already made available a armhf-based developer Preview of JDK 8 with JavaFX.

In the interim, we will have to deal with the incompatibilities between armel and armhf. Most recently we've seen a rash of failed attempts to run the ArmV7 VFP Java SE Embedded binary on top of an armhf-based Linux distro. During diagnosis, the question becomes, how can I determine whether my Linux distribution is based on armel or armhf? Turns out this is not as straightforward as one might think.

NOTE: this article found in:
ARMHF versus ARMEL part 2

hope you like it

ARMHF versus ARMEL part 1

i know that some of you were troubling about armel and armhf so i found a way to answer your question regarding on that matter.

1 ∼ ARMHF versus ARMEL

Debian officially provides two ARM architectures, armel and armhf. 

The armel architecture supports the ARMv4 instruction set.

This architecture handles floating-point computation in a compatibility mode which it slows performance but allows compatibility with code written for processors without floating point units.

So you can use the armel architecture to build high compatible systems.

The armhf architecture supports ARMv7 platform, and more, it adds direct hardware floating-point support.

This means the armhf architecture is faster than the armel one, but it lacks the compatibility with the old architectures.

On memetic you can see some benchmark run on Raspberry Pi with the two architectures. Take a look to Raspbian Benchmarking – armel vs armhf.

If I want to build a system running on a big number of already installed board I have to consider using armel architecture (since some installation could use old ARM boards).

If I have to build a totally new system, working with audio and video, with high probability I'll choose the armhf architecture.

NOTE: this article found in: ARMHF versus ARMEL part 1

hope you like it

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

my narrative report on 12 years of slave (the most epic true to life movie)

my narrative report on 12 years of slave (the most epic true to life movie)

have you seen this movie entitled 12 years of slave played by famous actors and actress. but the most terrible happened there when solomon Northhup was tricked and sold into slavery by unknown men whom he trusted in few moments of times. it isn't easy to become a slave and it deeply touch my heart and opened my mind how afraid they were in their dark age of slavery and in fact those moron were using BIBLE to discipline them (slaves). it hurts you knows, try to imagine yourself as being a slave for many years, no freedom and only death can freed you from slavery in the hands of whites. I admit until now racism still exist on this world and to think that whites were better than other races in the world, NO! and yet the white landlord are enjoying themselves fucking their women slave and impregnating them, inbreeding and killing their husbands and sent them to their graves. this movie are epic, hoping for the survival of the fittest and potential to the greater extent. so idiot to those white masters who watching their slave dying and starving forcing them to work day and night, sleepless. 

solomon Northhup bought his freedom to become a free negro and slave but not yet, being a negro and black is isn't easy like asians too. everybody wants to become free but sometimes there are people who are jealous and they couldn't accept that facts of being intelligent and yet solomon though born a negro but he is smart he did not loosen his hope to become free until one day a true friend came to see him and brought him home but sad to say his wife died because of worrying on him.

NOTE: this content is composed by me and only mine report except the picture above.

This Image found at            =

oh my God, my first salary in bubblews im so very happy

i can't believe it, i thought bubblews was a scam and after redeeming my first $50 and it did not sent on me because it was redeemed in check and i made a mistake because check redeeming is only available to US and not available outside their country, i am very sorry to bubblews website for being unworthy of believing their site. from now on i will give my whole life in this website and forever be in their member's website. i checked my paypal account and they really paid me. a million thanks to 

this topic is credit to paypal on my account 
= =

Autolikefacebook facebookautolike

what is facebookautolike or autolikefacebook? many people are crazy about this fishy thing on the web. because they think that autolike something web program might help them to improve their likes on their facebook page and increase the fans, but sad to say that autolike web are a malicious program that hide automatically add the founder and co-maker of that program. it is something like a phising. so i advise you not to try that in bubblews, because bubblews might caught you soon and you'll be ban. these program are made to gain profit not popularity on the web.

click here for more info:

avoiding diabetes

I took blood sugar test early in the morning. My dad bought a blood sugar detector and he took a sample of my blood on a tiny sheet of indicator and the results is 72, that means I have a lower chance of diabetes, sounds so funny and really exciting I told them that whenever I came home, I walked and exercising myself, it's my habit to walked every everyday from school to home. Not only that but because I'm saving my money to internet cafe making blogs and searching project for our thesis. Thanks GOD I'm still healthy and kicking enormously. This is not a diet but a way to save Money and make my health improve by walking and exercising. -_-

click here for more info: avoiding diabetes