Tuesday, April 29, 2014

my narrative report on 12 years of slave (the most epic true to life movie)

my narrative report on 12 years of slave (the most epic true to life movie)

have you seen this movie entitled 12 years of slave played by famous actors and actress. but the most terrible happened there when solomon Northhup was tricked and sold into slavery by unknown men whom he trusted in few moments of times. it isn't easy to become a slave and it deeply touch my heart and opened my mind how afraid they were in their dark age of slavery and in fact those moron were using BIBLE to discipline them (slaves). it hurts you knows, try to imagine yourself as being a slave for many years, no freedom and only death can freed you from slavery in the hands of whites. I admit until now racism still exist on this world and to think that whites were better than other races in the world, NO! and yet the white landlord are enjoying themselves fucking their women slave and impregnating them, inbreeding and killing their husbands and sent them to their graves. this movie are epic, hoping for the survival of the fittest and potential to the greater extent. so idiot to those white masters who watching their slave dying and starving forcing them to work day and night, sleepless. 

solomon Northhup bought his freedom to become a free negro and slave but not yet, being a negro and black is isn't easy like asians too. everybody wants to become free but sometimes there are people who are jealous and they couldn't accept that facts of being intelligent and yet solomon though born a negro but he is smart he did not loosen his hope to become free until one day a true friend came to see him and brought him home but sad to say his wife died because of worrying on him.

NOTE: this content is composed by me and only mine report except the picture above.

This Image found at www.hgsansostri.com/12-years-a-slave-my-debate/            =

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