Tuesday, April 29, 2014

my narrative report on 12 years of slave (the most epic true to life movie)

my narrative report on 12 years of slave (the most epic true to life movie)

have you seen this movie entitled 12 years of slave played by famous actors and actress. but the most terrible happened there when solomon Northhup was tricked and sold into slavery by unknown men whom he trusted in few moments of times. it isn't easy to become a slave and it deeply touch my heart and opened my mind how afraid they were in their dark age of slavery and in fact those moron were using BIBLE to discipline them (slaves). it hurts you knows, try to imagine yourself as being a slave for many years, no freedom and only death can freed you from slavery in the hands of whites. I admit until now racism still exist on this world and to think that whites were better than other races in the world, NO! and yet the white landlord are enjoying themselves fucking their women slave and impregnating them, inbreeding and killing their husbands and sent them to their graves. this movie are epic, hoping for the survival of the fittest and potential to the greater extent. so idiot to those white masters who watching their slave dying and starving forcing them to work day and night, sleepless. 

solomon Northhup bought his freedom to become a free negro and slave but not yet, being a negro and black is isn't easy like asians too. everybody wants to become free but sometimes there are people who are jealous and they couldn't accept that facts of being intelligent and yet solomon though born a negro but he is smart he did not loosen his hope to become free until one day a true friend came to see him and brought him home but sad to say his wife died because of worrying on him.

NOTE: this content is composed by me and only mine report except the picture above.

This Image found at www.hgsansostri.com/12-years-a-slave-my-debate/            =

oh my God, my first salary in bubblews im so very happy

i can't believe it, i thought bubblews was a scam and after redeeming my first $50 and it did not sent on me because it was redeemed in check and i made a mistake because check redeeming is only available to US and not available outside their country, i am very sorry to bubblews website for being unworthy of believing their site. from now on i will give my whole life in this website and forever be in their member's website. i checked my paypal account and they really paid me. a million thanks to 

this topic is credit to paypal on my account 
= paypal.com =

Autolikefacebook facebookautolike

what is facebookautolike or autolikefacebook? many people are crazy about this fishy thing on the web. because they think that autolike something web program might help them to improve their likes on their facebook page and increase the fans, but sad to say that autolike web are a malicious program that hide automatically add the founder and co-maker of that program. it is something like a phising. so i advise you not to try that in bubblews, because bubblews might caught you soon and you'll be ban. these program are made to gain profit not popularity on the web.

click here for more info:

avoiding diabetes

I took blood sugar test early in the morning. My dad bought a blood sugar detector and he took a sample of my blood on a tiny sheet of indicator and the results is 72, that means I have a lower chance of diabetes, sounds so funny and really exciting I told them that whenever I came home, I walked and exercising myself, it's my habit to walked every everyday from school to home. Not only that but because I'm saving my money to internet cafe making blogs and searching project for our thesis. Thanks GOD I'm still healthy and kicking enormously. This is not a diet but a way to save Money and make my health improve by walking and exercising. -_-

click here for more info: avoiding diabetes

alternative data file saver

how to save your file without using flash disk or flash drive or let's say you lost your precious little data traveler. here's a tips of mine and a little helpful tutorial for you using facebook and mediafire or 4shared. i save them on my second account, actually i have two account in facebook one for mediafire and for 4shared. since i do not have a flash disk so i put them there as my primary database in facebook, 4shared and mediafire or else i save them on my Lenovo A850. saving them in text file as a history websites, links, words, and primary notes for my tomorrow's task. 

click here for more info: alternative data file saver

How to edit any software .exe file and how to create them

some of us are eager to know on how and what to do about software editing. so here's my little tips for you and i hope that it might be solve you problems. i will enlist them below so copy it on a notepad.

1. Windows Movie Maker
2. Kate's Video Toolkit
3. Avidemux
4. VSDC Free Video Editor
5. MPEG Streamclip 1.2.1b6
6. Adobe series
7. Sony vegas
8. Online convert
9. Adobe reader
10. Paint

those i mentioned above has the capability of editing i may not be a expert but i have a lot of software in my storage, i've been doing it because it is easy to use and they do not give difficult tips to use their software.

reference of my report
= www.techradar.com/ =

someone hack my paypal account

goodbye to my first atm card and hello to my new one. i don't get it whenever i log in to my old account in paypal they are always sent me a notice for being a malicious user in paypal website. but the facts is i don't know what was going on, and they are forcing me to send any credentials (government id, transaction id, license id, and anything) because someone hacked into my account and i was unaware of the situation and thanks to a beautiful woman who help me to process my new bank account, she's pretty and i really like her i think she's in 30's or 39 of age so damn pretty for me. hehehehe but thanks to her my new account is now online in paypal website.

click here for more info : someone hack my paypal account

kaissar fm 90.1 OJT

practicum or OJT, here i am in our office dxka 90.1 kaissar fm butuan city. i was stationed here for my practicum training. it requires 240 hours or one month and half in six (6) hours per day. my duty is to tack down and list all the transmitter's power and calculate its maximum and minimum in every 30 minutes. this dxka 90.1 kaissar fm is a new fm station here in butuan city and probably they do not have a DJ but if you are willing to apply here you're very welcome. this job is amazing while checking the transmitter's reading and enjoying the quietness alone here in office while they're gone ^_^ . this station is intended for business and broadcasting and other matters of advertising local trade and industry.

click here for more info: kaissar fm 90.1 OJT

on my way to cagayan de oro city

this food is amazing i've never been taste this yummy delicious lunch in my whole life. i was in cagayan de oro yesterday, i went there to buy my microcontroller gadget for my thesis. it was 11:15 int the morning and i suddenly felt hungry, while standing there and stood in the midst of many people i saw a restaurant that offers an unlimited rice, it was amazing and their food is pretty good at it especially that sauce in the picture, it taste like a mango mixed with barbecue flavor. whoah so nice and suddenly i get full in my stomach.

click here for more info: on my way to cagayan de oro city

the world of nature

He who has learned to observe and love nature has discovered and won for himself a world of unending wonder and joy. The endless variety of nature Are his marvel at, his to enjoy.

There are those who see in nature many new and wonderful things. If they also have a gift of expression, the story they can tell about nature can be absorbing as fiction. To them, a firefly, a crow, or a beetle can be fascinating subject. They give us unforgettable experience in the new way to the new lines of a flower, or the sea. And we who read what they write to find out the new pleasures and new understanding a and sympathies.

click here form ore info: the world of nature

Making the most of one's self

Young people today have all the opportunities to make the most themselves. In other school they have their student government, their hobby clubs, their newspapers. In the community there are situations that test their ability to speak, to write, to deal with other people. They participate in community affairs. In all these they make use of opportunities for service.

Guidance helps students find out what future jobs they are fitted to do. Through guidance, students discover their real interest and their peculiar abilities. They also learn what they do not really care about and what they can not do. Knowing these can determine for themselves how can they can be of the greatest use.

Somewhere, somehow there is something a man can do best. It may be making baskets repairing trucks, talking into a microphone dancing or singing to entertain others, playing tennis, or teaching in high school. It does not matter what one does. What matter is that one is doing what one is best fitted to do.

Gods books will help us with ideas for making the most of ourselves. One will readily discover that a hobby can be a fascinating occupation, in reading as well as in actual performance. A simple poem about a virtue will give us the lift with which we rise. The talks of great teacher s and writers will often give us goals for achievement. We draw inspiration from the words and deeds of other men, and we make the most of ourselves.

click here for more info: Making the most of one's self

All human beings

All human beings have been created equal in one respect: each person has 24 hours each day. We all have the same amount of time each day. The difference bbetween people is determined by what they do with the amount of time at their disposal.

One of the best time savers is the ability to say NO. Not saying no when you should is one of the biggest wastes of time you will ever experience.

It's not how much we do that matters; it's how much we get done.

click here for more info: All human beings

i made a mistake in check payment

i made a mistake this day. i redeemed it from check and i accidentally clicked check not an e-check. what should i do? someone help me and give me an advice. and i get zero balance in my bank. i was in hurry and i suddenly clicked the the check payment. now i doubt if bubblews would help me about this matter. i'm not in the US in from Philippines and bubblews probably does not send a check payment i think that payment will be in nothingness again. help me :( :( :( :(

click here for more info: i made a mistake in check payment

Divorce, A Must?

To be or not to be-- divorce an that is-- and that is the question. Shakespeare already knew then that all questions have two sides in them. And in this particular sense, divorce has more than two side to it.

My dear friends, it is a fact that a topic on divorce has been very much in the air nowadays. It is a subject that manages to find its way into cocktail party to small talk, after dinner conversations, or even in just plain telephone chit-chat. Indeed, everyone is pondering the question-- is there or is there-not going to be divorce law in the Philippines?

Friends, I personally go against the legalization of divorce in the Philippines. Not only because of our religiosity as Filipinos, but also because the morality of divorce goes against the values of family which we Filipinos consider to be basic. Let us accept the fact that we Filipinos are always inclined to have "stateside" by your side: "s-t-a-te, ika nga." And here is divorce which again is a stateside borne and which we are trying to adopt in our country.

click here for more info: Divorce, A Must?

Converting songs to otsav

hi good morning to everyone here on bubblews.com as you see the picture in the left i was converting the the song to Otsav file format. my instructor left me here in their office and gone into his summer classes. and he teach me how to do it, just this and that, do this do that. it was fun being managing the files alone with extra skills and applying it to acquire the requirements. i'm not a dj i'm just an OJT student who wants to apply in their department to comply our practicum in 240 hours.

click here for more details: Converting songs to otsav

my narrative report on let it go song

let it go song. this song is fantastic i thought it will be fade away after showing the 3d movie entitled "FROZEN" but i was wrong and in fact people gone wild as children forcing their parents to buy them a copy of Cd's that available in the music store. indeed demi lovato was one of the highest paid singer artist in the world's industry of music she might be an opposite to lady gaga but she has the remarkable achievement ever and helps that 3d Movie gone wet and wild and sold their tickets in no time. amazing song it inspire me a lot. it reminds me of my past love and only girl.

this photo is credit to "FROZEN" and "DEMI LOVATO"

click here here for more info: my narrative report on let it go song

they don't like me back and view me back my post

sometimes there are bubblews user who make use of us or one of us in this website. we are taken for granted just to like and view their post and sometimes neither of them are liking back or viewing back our post, isn't it ironic right? i do feel that maybe they are so popular and i'm not maybe they can earn as fast as they can but i will never give up maybe someday i can earn better than you do i get jealous when i saw some of their post are amazing. but the real issue here is they cannot like back ours too it makes me sick but i still loyal to you and keep that in your mind!

a surprise visit

this is the ALMONTE clan on my maternal side, my uncle, aunt. they were at the house last saturday and they did very well to visit us. it was 3 years ago when we met and that was when my grandmother passed away. they were nice to us and indeed we are indebted to them because last saturday was my uncle jun-jun's birthday (the other sibling of my maternal's side). uncle edwin ( other brother ofmymaternal's side) he went to the market and bought a lot of foods and he gave it on a surprise. it was fun having a family like that. smiling and giggling while talking to each other.

click here formore post: a surprise visit

The reunion

did you notice that old man and woman there at the back? that's my grandfather (lolo in pinoy native languange) and that old woman there was my step grandmother ( lola in pinoy native languange). a paid visit to both of them and i can tell they are happy because our uncle was with them at that time. my grandfather was so proud of him because he was a seaman and most of all he was rich too. it was 0500 am in the morning and they began to get ready for outing and for swimming there at magallanes beach resort and of course food was already there. they seem so tired after that moment. it was a very nice and great                                                                                                                      day for my beloved grandfather.

A family Reunion

a family reunion of my maternal side. as you see in the picture they are brothers and sisters there. they really miss each other because they are far away from their homes, a miles away or a thousand miles. they seems enjoyed the moment in the family reunion while their sons and daughters were partaking in the activities, i mean eating and playing that's what children can do hahahaha. anyway it's so amazing having a family on their own, rasing their kids in many other ways. anyways thank you for dropping on my post. thank you a lot my fellow bubblews friends.

click here for the full post: A family Reunion