Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Making the most of one's self

Young people today have all the opportunities to make the most themselves. In other school they have their student government, their hobby clubs, their newspapers. In the community there are situations that test their ability to speak, to write, to deal with other people. They participate in community affairs. In all these they make use of opportunities for service.

Guidance helps students find out what future jobs they are fitted to do. Through guidance, students discover their real interest and their peculiar abilities. They also learn what they do not really care about and what they can not do. Knowing these can determine for themselves how can they can be of the greatest use.

Somewhere, somehow there is something a man can do best. It may be making baskets repairing trucks, talking into a microphone dancing or singing to entertain others, playing tennis, or teaching in high school. It does not matter what one does. What matter is that one is doing what one is best fitted to do.

Gods books will help us with ideas for making the most of ourselves. One will readily discover that a hobby can be a fascinating occupation, in reading as well as in actual performance. A simple poem about a virtue will give us the lift with which we rise. The talks of great teacher s and writers will often give us goals for achievement. We draw inspiration from the words and deeds of other men, and we make the most of ourselves.

click here for more info: Making the most of one's self

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